


Wang, R., Wang, Y., & Liao, T. (2023). Identifying and Evaluating the Effects of User Scenarios on the Data Integrity of Wearable Devices. 2023 Conference on System Engineering Research (CSER). [PDF]



El Dehaibi, N., Liao, T., & MacDonald, E. (2022). Validating Perceived Sustainable Design Features Using a Novel Collage Approach. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design. [PDF]


Wang, Y., & Liao, T. (2022). An Edge-computing Framework with AR Applications for Telehealth. 2022 IEEE/ACM Conference on Connected Health: Applications, Systems and Engineering Technologies (CHASE). [PDF]

Wang, Y., & Liao, T. (2022). Data Integrity and Causation Analysis for Wearable Devices in 5G. 2022 IEEE International Conference on E-health Networking, Application & Services (HealthCom). [PDF]

Liao, T., & Yan, B. (2022). Are you Feeling Happy? The Effect of Emotions on People’s Interaction Experience Toward Empathetic Chatbots. ASME 2022 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers Digital Collection. [PDF]



Liao, T., & MacDonald, E. (2021). Manipulating Trust of Autonomous Products with Affective Priming. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design. [PDF]

Liao, T., & MacDonald, E. (2021). Effects of Collage Priming on Sustainable Design Idea Creation and Assessment. Sustainability. [PDF]



Liao, T., Tanner, K., & MacDonald, E. (2020). Revealing Insights of Users’ Perceptions: An Approach to Evaluate Wearable Products Based on Emotions. Design Science. [PDF]

Orta Martinez, M., Nunez, C., Liao, T., Morimoto, T., Okamura, A. (2019). Evolution and Analysis of Hapkit: An Open-Source Haptic Device for Educational Applications. IEEE Transactions on Haptics. [PDF]



Liao, T., and MacDonald, E. (2019). Manipulating Trust of Autonomous Products with Affective Priming. In ASME 2019 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers Digital Collection. [PDF]

Liao, T., Tanner, K., & MacDonald, E. (2019). Revealing Insights of Users’ Perceptions: An Approach to Evaluate Wearable Products Based on Emotions. In Proceedings of the Design Society: International Conference on Engineering Design (Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 3969- 3978). Cambridge University Press. [PDF]



Liao, T., & MacDonald, E. (2018). Effects of Collage Priming on Sustainable Design Idea Creation and Assessment. In ASME 2018 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers Digital Collection.[PDF]